How to Do Fish Pose (Matsyasana) in Yoga

Proper Form, Variations, and Common Mistakes

fish pose annotated image

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Targets: Upper body

Level: Beginner

Fish Pose (Matsyasana) stretches out the same upper body muscles that Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana) taxes. That's why, if you are doing an inversions sequence, you might follow Shoulderstand with Ear Pressure Pose (Karnapidasana) and Fish Pose.


Fish Pose stretches the front of your body, including the chest, abs, hip flexors, neck, and back, and engages parts of the body that are often neglected, even within yoga's asanas.

Fish is a good counter pose because the chin is raised, the neck is curved back, and the spine is in extension, while in Shoulderstand, the chin is strongly tucked, the neck is extended, and the spine is in a position of flexion.

From a chakra perspective, Fish has a lot of potential because it stimulates two important areas that are hard to reach.

First is the vishudda (throat) chakra, which relates to communication and self-expression. This is often summarized as "speaking your truth," so if this area is blocked it means you keep things bottled inside that would be better let out. There aren't that many yoga poses where the throat is opened as it is in Fish.

Fish Pose also brings attention to the sahasrara (crown) chakra on the top of your head. Again, there aren't many yoga poses that put pressure on the crown, which is tied to wisdom and knowledge.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Begin by lying down on your back.

  1. Come up to your elbows with your forearms flat on the mat and your upper arms perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Keep your forearms in place and puff up your chest by rolling your shoulders back and tucking your shoulder blades firmly onto your back. You should feel your body creating a backbend.
  3. Press your palms into the mat. You can tuck your hands under your butt if that feels like a more stable position for them.
  4. Lower the crown (very top) of your head back until it comes to the floor, opening your throat.
  5. Keep your legs engaged and your toes active throughout. 
  6. To come out, press strongly into your forearms and raise your head off the floor. Then release your upper body to the mat.

Common Mistakes

To get the most out of this pose, check your execution to avoid these errors.

Too Much Pressure on Head

Make sure to root into your forearms, heels and engaged thighs to create a lift in the upper body so that your head and neck are safe and supported.

Straining the Neck

Your neck and back should be in a continuous arch. Imagine resting the center of your crown on the ground, not your forehead.

Modifications and Variations

This pose can be modified to make it more comfortable, as well as done with variations to make it more challenging.

Need a Modification?

Position a blanket or block under your head if the crown does not comfortably come to the floor. You can also let the head hang if that feels better.

You can also use a rolled blanket under your back as a support.

If you feel any pressure or discomfort on your neck or throat, lower your chest a bit or use a blanket to support your head.

Up for a Challenge?

If you feel comfortable and stable in Fish, you can try the following variations. They can be done at the same time or separately.

  • Bring your arms up toward the ceiling with the palms touching. If you try this variation, make sure that the top of your head stays on the floor and your chest doesn't collapse.
  • Lift your legs to a 45-degree angle.

Safety and Precautions

Avoid this pose if you have a neck or back injury or if you have a headache.

Try It Out

Incorporate this move and similar ones into one of these popular workouts:

By Ann Pizer, RYT
Ann Pizer is a writer and registered yoga instructor who teaches vinyasa/flow and prenatal yoga classes.