How to Do Hero Pose (Virasana) in Yoga

Proper Form, Variations, and Common Mistakes

Hero Pose
Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Targets: Quadriceps, ankles

Level: Beginner

Hero Pose (Virasana) is a seated pose that is a great stretch for the quadriceps. Virasana is conducive to keeping your shoulders over your hips, which helps align the spine so that your back doesn't ache while you are sitting. This pose is actually easier and more comfortable for most people than sitting cross-legged, especially if you place a block under your butt. If you plan to sit still for more than a few minutes, as you would for a meditation session, give it a try.


Watch Now: How to Meditate With Hero Pose


Hero Pose stretches the quads and ankles, helping build flexibility in the knees, ankles, and thighs. For cycling and other quad-intensive activities, the stretch will be welcome. The spinal alignment in Hero Pose is a good counter to slouching posture and allows for better breathing.

One of the things that yoga students often struggle with is getting comfortable sitting cross-legged. It's especially difficult for people who are very tight in the area around the hips. Students often feel that sitting cross-legged is so quintessentially "yoga" that it must crucial to the practice, especially if you plan to meditate. Hero Pose is a great alternative.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Start in an upright kneeling position with your hips over your knees and the tops of your feet flat on the mat.

  1. Keep your knees together as you separate your feet to either side until they are about 18 inches apart. This distance will vary somewhat depending on your size, but basically, you are spreading the feet apart to make room for your butt to come down to the floor between them. Do note that the feet separate, but the knees stay together.
  2. Exhale and lower your butt to sit on the floor between your feet. You may need to manually move your calf muscles out of the way to make this happen.
  3. Make sure that you are not sitting on your feet, but rather between them with the tops of your feet on the floor (meaning the toes are not tucked under).
  4. Your feet should point straight back, turning neither inward nor outward.
  5. Slide your shoulders away from your ears. Rest your hands in your lap.
  6. Remain in the pose for one minute or more.
  7. Release by pressing your palms into the floor and lifting your butt. Cross your ankles beneath your body and extend your legs into Staff Pose (Dandasana).

Common Mistakes

Don't go into this pose quickly. Go slow so you can be sure that you feel the difference between a big quad stretch and knee joint pain.

Be sure to distribute your weight across your sit bones and that the tops of the feet are equally pressing into the floor.

Modifications and Variations

There are modifications you can use if you find this pose uncomfortable. Once you are comfortable with the pose, you can make it more challenging.

Need a Modification?

Put padding under your seat if necessary. Use yoga blocks or a folded blanket, depending on how high you need to be. You may also want padding under your ankles if you have any discomfort.

Up for a Challenge?

If you feel very comfortable seated, move on to Reclined Hero Pose (Supta Virasana). Lower to your elbows first and make sure that your knees are still in position before you try to lie all the way back.

Safety and Precautions

Be very careful of the knees in this pose. If you have any knee pain, try raising the hips more by sitting on a block or two to decrease the pressure on your knees. If that doesn't help, it's OK to skip this pose. Each body is different and you have to find what works best for yours.

Note that the foot position in this pose can cause foot cramps. If you get one, curl your toes up and massage your foot to try to relieve it.

Try It Out

Incorporate this move and similar ones into one of these popular workouts:

By Ann Pizer, RYT
Ann Pizer is a writer and registered yoga instructor who teaches vinyasa/flow and prenatal yoga classes.